Prestige Health
Health centar
The delivery of the chamber was accomplished with the help of Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020, Priority axis “Entrepreneurship and capacity in growth”, procedure BG16RFOP002-2.024 “Promotion of entrepreneurship”.
This website was created under Project № BG16RFOP002-2.024-1703-
C01, funded by the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness”
2014-2020, co – financed by the European Union through the European Fund for
Regional Development. The entire responsibility for the content of the document is
bears from PRESTIGE HELT EOOD and under no circumstances can it be
accepts that this document reflects the official opinion of the European Parliament
Union and the Managing Authority.
Main objective of the project
Main objective of the project is to create a recovery and rehabilitation center that provides timely and qualified assistance to people with special needs and illnesses, as well as to people exposed to stress, tension and more.
Specific objectives:
Encourage the development of the entrepreneurial idea
for establishment of a center for recovery and rehabilitation procedures, through the purchase of specialized equipment for the prevention and treatment of people with disabilities, recovering from traumatism, neurological and other diseases;
To support the successful entry into the entrepreneurial idea market
Center for rehabilitation procedures, through public awareness of the potential harms and complications of poisoning, gynecological diseases, disorders of sexual function, acute traumas and ischemia, air or gas embolisms, diabetes, ulcers, burns, liver cirrhosis, diseases of the liver cirrhosis, diseases , autism, speech difficulties, hyperactivity, and more. diseases. The importance of prescribing and implementing adequate treatment for health problems that have already arisen, as well as preventing the maintenance of health status;
Recovery and rehabilitation center
to become a safe and preferred source of timely and specialized healthcare to help with specific diseases;
Ensure quality and long-term employment
to 3 persons, through the establishment of the Recovery and Rehabilitation Center in the market of health services, as well as to provide sustainable employment for at least 6 months after the completion of the project of 3 persons, namely Doctor of Microbiology-1, Doctor of Pneumology and Phthisiology-1pc., Social Assistant-1pc.
The total cost of the project amount to
248 150, 00 BGN, of which 80% is grant.
Our mission is to offer you professional and personalized treatment.
Dr. Marina Licheva
specialty : internal diseases
Dr. Ivan Petrov
Specialty : lung diseases
Stanimir Vladov
Social assistant
Experienced Doctors
Professional and friendy staff
Free consultation
Personalized approach
Modern equipment
Discretion and correctness
“Thanks to the whole team of Prestige Health. Incredible approach and professionalism. “
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